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Declarations of the SDFM 2024

Declaration on the situation in Israel and Palestine - 2024.04.04

Following the 2023.10.07 terrorist attack of Hamas on Israel, the IDF has been trying to re-occupy the Gaza strip. Surprisingly, after 6 months, this operation has not been completed, while resulting in an unprecedented humanitarian situation within the Gaza strip. In addition to more than 30'000 Palestinians, also foreign aid personnel have been killed by the IDF. The internal situation of Israel has not changed much in the period, with Nethanyahu still ruling the country.

Seen from a distance, the SDFM still comes to the "Foregone Conclusion" result reported earlier. In addition to the mechanisms of internal radicalisation due to the war and to demographic factors, the international position of Israel is becoming more and more fragile. The U.S. did not block an U.N. resolution regarding an armistice. Israel support in the U.S. is falling, both on the left which is pressing Biden to reduce arms deliveries and on the right, where Trump sees an additional populist pathway possibly connected with rightist antisemitism. Outside the core western countries, almost no support for Israel can be found. In combination with Israeli human rights violations, this leads to a reduction of Western credibility.

At the same time, Ukraine and other countries are demonstrating a paradigm change in arms technology with short and long range drones becoming a mainstay of the arsenal. Although this is also a strength of Israel, it will be almost impossible in the future to protect a country with no strategic depth from attacks with AI driven autonomous weapons. Israel's nuclear umbrella is also on the brink of losing its edge as Iran can now freely decide when to explode its first test bomb. It is well known that Hisbollah in Lebanon has built up an extreme arsenal of conventional missiles. At the same time, it is quite probable that this arsenal is also well filled with the output of Iran's drone factories.

The logical consequence of these factors is that a number of actors in the region will be waiting for the opportunity to attack Israel within the next few years. This opportunity might come with the predicted chaos of the U.S. elections and their aftermath. Israel would be well advised to come to a position of internal unity fast and to enter a path towards peaceful co-existence with Palestinians within the next few months. Only internal stability and external support will stop Iran and their allies from attacking the country. If this fails, the situation might escalate fast, especially if the JCOT predictions regarding other geopolitical situations come true.

NATO countries are now preparing for a Trump-led U.S. and its consequences. They should look at the situation in Israel and possible large scale evacuation actions, too, with Germany having the highest "responsibility to protect". The SDFM believes that a program similar to the Musogradian Redfeet Resettlement Program in Thylacinia, leading to the birth of the Republic of Capricornia in the sparsely settled north of the F.M., may need to be though over and prepared by Germany .

Declaration on Sponsors of War against Ukraine - 2024.01.12

The Federated Micronations declare that they support the " Sponsors of War " list created by the Ukrainian government. This list describes companies who openly operate in Russia, supporting the agressor state by paying taxes, supplying the population with consumer goods and especially the arms industry with manufacturing equipment. Those companies will be boycotted by the F.M. and its institutions and entities, which also includes disinvestment if applicable.

Examples on the list are Nestlé (actually under boycott since 2013 for other disgressions), Metro and its subsidiaries, the building materials corporation Knauf and the machine builder Spinner. For Nestlé and other processed food corporations like Unilever, Mars and Mondelez, a higher level of attentiveness is being ordered for any import and purchase activities.

Declaration on the Presidential Elections in Taiwan - 2024.01.15

The Federated Micronations congratulate Lai Ching-te of the Democratic Progressive Party on winning the Presidential Election on 2024.01.13. We reject any criticism regarding this election coming from the PRC, a country where there have been no democratic multi-party elections at all in the last 75 years.

The Federated Micronations continue to recognize the Republic of Taiwan as an independent nation. The PRC, as an agressive imperial state, is not recognized by the F.M.. We believe that the Republic of Taiwan has every right and also the means to defend its freedom against PRC agression. We call upon the Western nations to reduce their exposure to PRC blackmail. The F.M. are looking forward to extend their contacts and exchanges with the Republic of Taiwan.