2020 Reports
Reports issued by the Office of Information Analysis of the State Department of the Federated Micronations. Corona Crisis Analysis - 2020.04.14
This report will have to remain a "work in progress" for some time, but it is felt by the SD of the FM that it is necessary to collect and publish the thoughts and comments of the OIA to enable other entities and experts to discuss them.
Similar to the SDFM analysis of the election of Donald Trump as the President of the United States, we believe it is best to develop a number of scenarios which may partially overlap, and then try to assign a probabilty to these scenarios. Pandemic scenarios
An "optimistic" scenario assumes that in mid 2021, a vaccine will be available and tested, with widespread usage in the second half of that year. At the same time, a high level of social distancing will have avoided any "first wave" explosions or "second waves" in most countries. Rural populations in less developed countries would be protected by distance, and urban populations in these countries by their relatively young age, with a high infection rate but low number of fatalities. This scenario will be referred to as "O" for optimistic. Economic consequences
Assuming the optimistic "O" scenario, what can be expected for the economies in various parts of the world? For classical economists, the situation already looks dire. After an anemic upswing which mostly was felt by large corporations and investors, the external shock will lead to a time-delayed wave of bankrupcies of smaller companies and of some large ones, those who are not protected by state governments. The risk to the stability of banks will lead to huge injections of liqidity by the central banks. In the less developed countries, the shock will be even harder, as exports will fall and raw materials revenues dry out, as we are currently seeing with oil. Food prices are expected to rise due to the combination of Corona caused reduced production and climate issues like the droughts in major producer countries and the locust plague. All countries and many companies will finance themselves with borrowing, with a rising debt level, both private and public. Addendum - 2021.01.23
The report above was not completed or published by the SDFM, as the combination of crises (Shoolscath / Corona) stretched the ressources of the FM to the utmost at the time. Basically, it can be said that the "optimistic" scenario is coming true, with a handful of vaccines being deployed or under development. "Optimistic" in the limited sense that 100 million people have been infected and 2 million died from the virus. Those numbers might double until a sufficient level of vaccination has been reached. Addendum - 2021.04.29
Although the "optimistic scenario" may be seen as generally correct (e.g. most FM citizens have already been inoculated once), it has ignored one effect of the crisis. The occurrence of "deniers" or "lateral thinkers", as they tend to call themselves, is a natural thing which was also documented during the Spanish Flu in the early 20th century. But this time, it seems to run deeper, due to the effects of "social" media. While only a small proportion of the movement is active on the streets, they are highly aggressive and will physically attack anybody who is not agreeing with them. |