Declaration on the Worldwide Ecological and Climate Crisis - 2019.01.16
The Federated Micronations have been recognizing the worldwide ecological destruction and climate crisis as a critical issue for many years. The draught and heatwave in 2018 and various observations in regards to the breakdown of insect populations has underscored the urgency of these issues. Popular political support for more intensive activities was shown in the lates elections in the Dershowo Musograd and the Republic of Capricornia. Focussing on transportation issues since 2017/2018, the F.M. have decided to significantly broaden the field of political measures and activities.
A Federal Ecology and Climate Initiatives Team (FECIT) has been set up, led by Commissioner R.Khalmyk, to coordinate these activities. In addition, support by other institutions of the F.M., namely the Bank of the Federated Micronations and the Bureau for Unusual Ideas, has been pledged. Declaration on the Recognition of the European Republic - 2018.11.10
Today, the European Republic was declared from some 100 balconies all over Europe. Still occupied by a number of nation states, the People of Europe have taken the initiative to lead Europe into the future. The Federated Micronations support this initiative and recognize the European Republic, offering support to its institutions. We hope and pledge that any territorial entity recognized by the F.M. and located within the borders of Europe will support the European Republic and become part of it. Declaration on Federal Emergency Protection Measures - 2018.06.22
In the last 9 months, the international situation has deteriorated considerably. Neo-authoritarians have gained in power and strength, taking over Italy and Austria and gaining a foothold in the German parliament. In the U.S., the American president has started a trade war and is using fascist language against immigrants, similar to various European politicians. The European Union is being weakened by those developments and might break under the strain.
Declaration on the Unilateral Recognition of the Republic of Hong Kong and Kurdistan - 2017.10.12
The Federated Micronations have decided to recognize two nations who face high odds against their self-determination and independence. While Kurdistan (precisely the Kurdistan Regional Government in Iraq) has gained autonomy and is protected by their army, the Peshmerga, it has not been able to keep Kurdish and mixed territories liberated at a high cost from the occupation by the Islamic State. This loss has made independence much more difficult. We wish both the KRG and the Kurdish lands all success in gaining independence and freedom from suppression by their neighbours. Declaration on the Catalonian Independence Referendum - 2017.10.01
Today, against high odds, Catalonia has implemented an Independence Referendum. At 17:30, the results are not yet known, but the SDFM expects a high participation in spite of the use of force by the Spanish Guardia Civil and a huge majority in favour of independence. The logical consequence would be a timely Declaration of Independence and a lengthy process of civil resistance and negotiations to implement this independence. |